"manual": "Featured",
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Tall, upright heads work well for heart packs or 24 count boxes. Coastal Star's large, heavy heads have an open habit and attactive, dark green outer leaves. Interior is a...
Medium to large uniform head with an awesome, lustrous green color, frilled margins and pliable leaves. Bergam’s tolerance to tip burn and bolting make this green leaf lettuce an excellent...
Widely adapted, mini green romaine, with well blistered, glossy leaves and nicely blanched heart. Xalbadora's compact heads are slightly larger than our little gems. Color: Green Ir (intermediate Resistance): Lmv:1...
The crunch of an iceberg with crisp, blistered leaves and the dark green color and upright habit of a romaine. We love this new midi 'crunchy cos' for its unique...
Large heading iceberg lettuce with good weight. Dark green color, open habit, and excellent field holding. Color: Green Type: Iceberg IR (intermediate Resistance): Rs Primed Seed: Y Size: Large Days...
Flat round head and great head protection. Good tolerance to tipburn and bolting and strong disease package. Color: Green Type: Iceberg Hr (high Resistance): DM: 1-9US / 16-29, 32, 34,...
Germination: 98% Compact dark green Batavian for field production. Emocion has good tolerance to tip burn and bolting. Color: Green Ir (intermediate Resistance): Lmv:1 Hr (high Resistance): Dm:16-27;30-32eu; Nr:0; Pb...
Green butterhead for greenhouse and hydroponic production. Casey is medium-fast growing and yields large heads with excellent weight. It has a flat, clean, closed base and a strong disease resistance...
A full-size red romaine with graceful elongated leaves of rich wine-red and vibrant green at the base. Thurinus is a knockout in the field and on your market table with...
Triple red lolla rossa for greenhouse production. Azirka's rounded leaves are very thick and crunchy with good three-dimensional structure. Strong disease package.
Crunchy mini cos for field and hydroponic production. Chicarita is an appealing cross of romaine and iceberg with the thick, crunchy texture, sweet flavor, and excellent shelf life of an...
Red Baron's large, dense heads and excellent weight have made it a growers' favorite. It has thick, blistered leaves on a broad, tall head. Beautiful contrast of dark red margins...
High yielding frilled ice leaf type for greenhouse and hydroponic production. Cristabel’s dark green leaves are very thick. Heads have an upright habit with a short core. Reliable in various...